Monday, December 14, 2009

My Past Travels

Thanks to my Jujubee friends, I have actually been quite far around the world already! And, of course, there is plenty to see in my home state of California.

Here are a few photos from some of my past travels.

This is my friend Jessi. She was the first person to take me out on a little trip. She, Matt and I went to Chinatown in Southern California while researching some possible themes for our Relay for Life! We had great fun - we even ran into this big dragon! Yikes!

Here I am up in the Bay Area! This is Union Square in San Francisco. It's a great place to visit because you're surrounded by a million different cultural influences. Not to mention that the shopping is great. That day I also got to see Alcatraz, Pier 39, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Unfortunately, my camera was out of batteries by the time I got to these I will have to go back one day and get some more great photos!

This is my first international trip! Here I am in Australia, across the bay from the Sydney Opera House. There's the bridge in the background too. I walked around Sydney all day on this trip and saw some really awesome sights like this. I tried a vegemite sandwich, but it just isn't my thing...too salty!

Well, there you have it! I wonder where I'll go next!

- Jojo

October 2009: India

This past autumn I took a trip to India with Jujubee Devika. It was beautiful and the food was simply amazing! Devika took great care of me and even took me bangle shopping.

Just one more country to check off my list! I am well on my way to spreading the Good Juju all over the world. If anyone is planning on traveling somewhere soon, please feel free to take me with you! I promise I don't make a mess, I don't eat much, and - though I have difficulty walking by myself sometimes - I'm pretty darn light to carry around.
- Jojo