Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Around Town: Time to Myself with My Friends

Being a mascot is very busy work. You have to go to all of these important events, participate in projects, pose for photographs, be on t-shirts, flyers, and letterheads...and you have to do it all without breaking a sweat!

There are times, however, that I get a moment to myself. I like to chill out, listen to some music (what kind of music...well, that depends on my mood), and enjoy a cup of tea.

Lately, I've been going to visit Cafe Valentino's with Danica on Saturdays. It's got a very vibrant, community atmosphere, but it's also a nice place to relax and unwind. The owners love to get to know their customers one-on-one and are always busy at work behind the counter or setting up a new carafe of coffee.

Personally, I like the iced green tea. I find it very refreshing and it goes well with my breakfast - I usually get the banana nut bread and have some cream cheese on it...

Oh dear, now I'm making myself hungry.
Anyway, you know me, I'm all about supporting our local businesses. They're what make our communities unique!
Do you have a favorite, unique place in your community? Tell us about it! Maybe I'll have to stop by and visit it for myself...
- Jojo

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Thoughts on Haiti

I get really worried in situations like this; not just for the victims of natural disasters like these, but more that the overwhelming response will eventually fade away and become forgotten.

It's really easy to jump on the bandwagon when things are at their peak! Haiti really needs supplies and relief now, and the donations have been pouring in all over the world!

...but in one year, or two or three or more, the people of Haiti are still going to need help. Can we promise to remember them - and all the other people of the world - in that time? Will we promise to keep donating to causes like Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity, even when those organizations aren't in the news?

Everyone I have spoken to about these current events have very loving, very giving hearts. Let's keep that love and selflessness going whenever and wherever we are able for a lifetime.

- Jojo

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I was SO impressed about our first meeting! It was pouring rain, but we still had people driving out to be there. I don't know how we crammed a dozen bodies into a tiny corner in Starbuck's. We may have to start looking for new meeting digs!

I heard some great ideas, though! Ways to help out Haiti, plans for our "big" project of the year...you can hear all about it if you're signed up to receive the JUJU NEWS - our weekly newsletter sent straight to your email.

What I REALLY like is that we're going to start using the website for everything, including RSVPing for meetings. That sounds like it's going to make it SUPER easy to organize.

Go check it out! If you haven't been there already, it's http://www.havegoodjuju.org/. It's still "in progress," I guess, but all the information you need is up there.

Can't wait 'til our next meeting...better, our first project!

- Jojo

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back!

I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday.

Today, I'm excited because we're finally going to be having our Good Juju meetings again. People are so busy around the holiday season that we all take a break from the volunteer group to relax. It's a lot of work to volunteer! But now that everyone is refreshed, it's going to be great jumping back into good works.

There are a few ideas me and my friends had about some volunteer projects we can do: Free Stress Relief (involving bubble wrap) and maybe a little multicultural spring festival!

I even heard that we already have our new Relay for Life team captain for this year...I don't want to give anything away, but it will be our first "guy" captain and he's already got a bunch of awesome, creative ideas up his sleeve! :-)

So, I'll be at Starbucks (you know, the one on the corner of Sycamore and Cochran) at the first Good Juju meeting of the year. That's on January 17th from 4-5pm. I'll probably order an iced green tea with lemon...I think green is my favorite color.

See you there!

- Jojo